• Phone: 0522 2718505
  • iorarcstt@cimap.res.in
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    IORA Medicinal Plants Database

  • Welcome to

    IORA Medicinal Plants Database

A holistic knowledgebase and flexible online resource to medicinal plants of Indian Ocean Rim countries. We're a global resource for medicinal plants; use our data and expands your knowledge and find support for your research

Rediscovering the value of Medicinal plants

IORA database is an online single platform search tool to study traditional knowledge, scientific research, and intellectual wealth of medicinal plants. It provides adequate information on botanical descriptions, distribution and local indigenous knowledge of medicinal plant species.

In recent years “phytochemicals” are more researched and explored by researchers and industries because of their beneficial health effects.

In IORA Database phytochemicals and their therapeutic uses are listed and linked to openly accessible PubChem database along with patented and non- patented traditional Indian medicinal formulations and marketed products. In past few decades demand for medicinal herbs is increasing as these markets expand and new end-uses are developing. To understand the market insights, market overview and trade details are available in the database.

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Statistic of Plant Database

  • Plants 188
  • Herbarium 17
  • Phytochemical 2224
  • Pharmacological 991
  • Marketed Products 708
  • Traditional Formulations 485
  • Medicinal Plants Traders (India) 440
  • Patents 670
  • Global Manufacturer Extract 52

IORA member states